
by Avram Yehoshua

On Sunday night, March 14th, 2004, I went into the pizza place where Oren is co-owner, to see if he had read any of the book of Luke that I had left with him. As usual, he was very glad to see me. He thinks I look like the Messiah should look. It's given me an opening in his life to present Yeshua to him. Within a few minutes though, and before I could ask him about Luke, he left and was replaced by his partner, Iran. Iran is about 40 and looks like Richard Dreyfus. I've shared Messiah Yeshua with him before but there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do for him except to pray that the Seed be watered from Above. In one sense, it's the same with Oren.

I ate some pizza and was about to leave when a delivery man, whose name I would later find out to be Yogev, asked me if I was Orthodox. I told him I was Messianic and that led to sharing with him about Messiah Yeshua. Yogev is about 21 and doesn't know his Tanach (Old Testament) well. This is a common problem with most of the Jewish people today. That is why they are so easily led astray concerning Yeshua.

I gave Yogev a card with my phone number on it, and also a book of Luke and told him that if he would read it, he would see for himself who Yeshua was and what he did and then he could decide if Yeshua was the Messiah or not.

While I was speaking with Yogev, Iran came over and spoke with him about what I believe and much to my surprise, he spoke well of it. Yogev was called away to deliver some pizza and Kobi (short for Yakov/Jacob), came back. He's about 23 and he 'took Yogev's place' so to speak and I was speaking with him about Yeshua. Again, Iran joined us and told Kobi much of what he told Yogev. I didn't have to do much talking. I prayed to Yeshua to show me how to present him and a spirit of concern for Kobi came over my soul. I desired with a great desire to point him to Messiah Yeshua. I felt as though Yeshua were making me a servant for Him, that I might be a servant to Kobi.

Kobi was more adamant than Yogev in his disbelief. His mother is very Orthodox and he is sure that Yeshua is not Messiah. I gave him my card with cites from Tanach concerning the Messiah of Israel and I told him that if he would read them, that he'd be very shocked to see a picture of Messiah Yeshua in them.

I was with them, the three of them, for over an hour, witnessing and listening to them. Just before I left, Iran said to me that he didn't know anyone who knew chapter and verse in the Tanach like I did. He asked me how I did it. I told him, 'I love our God and His Word and I read it everyday.' I know that what I said, and the way I said it, had an impact on him. As you are led, please lift Iran, Kobi and Yogi (his nickname, like Yogi Bear : ) up to our High Priest who is able to save to the utmost.

Today, March 16th, Ruti and I saw Ugo and Ochi off to Nigeria where they will begin a work called, The Seed of Abraham, in the capital city. They were supposed to leave last Tuesday, March 9th, but due to security at the airport, and their late arrival, they weren't allowed to go. It gave us another week together for which the Lord blessed all of us.

After their departure, we went to pick up some pictures at a photo place. Having just left there, we saw Miryam (Mary). She was standing outside her place of work, getting some sun. She works at an eyeglass shop. About a month ago, I had shared Messiah Yeshua with her, giving her a number of Scriptures from Tanach to ask her father-in-law, who is very knowledgeable, according to Miryam, in Tanach and Jewish things. Miryam is about 45 years old and married to an Algerian Jewish man.

Miryam, Ruti and I stood in the 10 A.M. sun and discussed Messiah Yeshua again. One of the things that she misunderstood was that I was still Jewish, even though I believed in Yeshua. I told him that if Yeshua were the Messiah of Israel, how could my belief in Him cancel my being a Jew? It made sense to her.

I told her of my testimony, the portion where I didn't know Yeshua and read a book about him. And while in the middle of it, I was so impressed that He was our Messiah, that I asked Him into my life to cleanse me of my sin. And that when I did, the Spirit of God, which I didn't know but would later understand, came upon me and I felt the Shalom of God for the first time in my life. I said that Isaiah spoke of this in Is. 53:6 where it says that, 'and the punishment for our Shalom (peace), fell upon Him.' I said it was peace with God as He is holy and we are very sinful. He sent His Son to take our deserved punishment upon Himself, so we could be declared 'righteous', and stand before God on Judgement Day, and have His Spirit today. I spoke of Ezekiel again (36:22-27), where God promises to give us His Spirit and Miryam remembered that, as I had told her before about it. We must have been with her about 30 minutes, pointing her to her Messiah.

As the airport, we had met a taxi driver who was also flying, to the north of Israel to study at the Habad school, a school that is part of the Lubavitch branch of Judaism. I told him that their late Rabbi was not the Messiah. I was about to give him a card with some Scripture on it so he could look it up himself, but he was called away and I never got to give it to him. I asked Miryam if she still had the card and book that I gave her. She said she did somewhere so I took the already made out card from my shirt pocket and handed it to her saying, 'Please have your father-in-law read these Scriptures about Messiah and let me know what he thinks.' She said that she would do that, and that she would be right there with him while he was. I was pleased.

We left Miryam and headed for lunch. I had promised Ruti that when Ugo and Ochi left, I would take her out for lunch, to give her a break from the intense time we had had with them for the past month. We walked up the main street of Eilat and saw Sarah sitting on a ledge in front of a bank. I pointed over to her and Ruti saw her and we greeted her. Sarah is a Jewess from India, about 56 years old and married to Jerry (a Jewish man from India). Jerry has lived in Israel for forty years and Sarah for about 35.

She was waiting for a friend of her's to come from the bank and had another friend, also from India. Next to her was a money changer. There are a number of them in front of the bank, looking for tourists to change their foreign currency into shekels for them. Sarah introduced me to Shimon and he and I spoke for a few minutes while Ruti spoke to Sarah and her friend. Ever wanting to speak of Yeshua to our people, I silently prayed to Yeshua as to what to do; should I speak to Shimon about Him or Sarah's friend? Ruti and I have shared Yeshua with Jerry and Sarah on many occasions and Sarah is not that interested, or so it seems. We continue to pray for her.

I felt like the Lord was directing me to Sarah's friend, Remah. I disengaged from Shimon and began to listen to what Remah, Sarah and Ruti were discussing. During a break, I asked Remah if she had heard that the Messiah had come. She hadn't. I told her that He came about 2,000 years ago, to die for our sins and to cleanse us so we could know our holy God. She said that she read the Tehilim (Psalms), every day. I asked her if she read Tanach and she told us that she didn't, just the Tehilim. I gave her a card with my phone on it, and wrote out Psalm 118:22. It says:

'The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone.'

I told her that the Stone was Messiah and that the builders were the Rabbis who would reject Him. As I handed her the card I told her that if she wanted to know more about her Messiah, to give us a call and we'd show her.

As our Lord leads, would you lift up Remah and Miryam to Him? Thanks. Oh, by the way. Ruti loved her hamburger. I had a roast beef sandwich and we shared a salad. It was all very good. We went to the Post Office to check our mailbox and then we headed home and took a nap. We were both wiped out with the long hours that we have been putting in. Now, it's 4:30 P.M. and Shuli should be coming over for her two hours of praise, prayer and teaching. She comes four times a week. I think I hear her coming up the stairs now. Thanks for your prayers for her growth in Messiah Yeshua. She is coming along. Yes, that was her. Ruti just opened the door and hugged her and I just greeted her as well. Got to go but I wanted to fill you in on some of the things that are happening here in the Land of our Fathers.

Email Avram — avramyeh@gmail.com